Docker-Compose Scale / Top

docker-compose scale

this command is used to scale up a number of containers, let's say if you want to create 4 containers of webapp1 and 2 containers of webapp2 then using docker-compose scale command it can be done.

gaurav@learning-ocean:~/docker-compose$ cat docker-compose.yaml
version: '3'
    image: nginx
    image: nginx

gaurav@learning-ocean:~/docker-compose$ docker-compose ps
          Name                        Command               State          Ports
docker-compose_webapp1_1   / ngin ...   Up>80/tcp
docker-compose_webapp2_1   / ngin ...   Up>80/tcp
gaurav@learning-ocean:~/docker-compose$ docker-compose scale webapp1=4 webapp2=2
WARNING: The scale command is deprecated. Use the up command with the --scale flag instead.
Creating docker-compose_webapp1_2 ... done
Creating docker-compose_webapp1_3 ... done
Creating docker-compose_webapp1_4 ... done
Creating docker-compose_webapp2_2 ... done

verify using the below command :

gaurav@learning-ocean:~/docker-compose$ docker-compose ps
          Name                        Command               State          Ports
docker-compose_webapp1_1   / ngin ...   Up      80/tcp
docker-compose_webapp1_2   / ngin ...   Up      80/tcp
docker-compose_webapp1_3   / ngin ...   Up      80/tcp
docker-compose_webapp1_4   / ngin ...   Up      80/tcp
docker-compose_webapp2_1   / ngin ...   Up      80/tcp
docker-compose_webapp2_2   / ngin ...   Up      80/tcp

As shown in the above output, a total of 6 containers are running and up. Users can configure the load balancer to distribute the load among containers.

Docker-compose top command displays the list of containers along with the number of running processes inside each container.

gaurav@learning-ocean:~/docker-compose$ docker-compose top
  UID       PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                        CMD
root       27249   27195   0   06:58   ?     00:00:00   nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off;
systemd+   27421   27249   0   06:58   ?     00:00:00   nginx: worker process
systemd+   27422   27249   0   06:58   ?     00:00:00   nginx: worker process

  UID       PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                        CMD
root       27741   27664   0   07:12   ?     00:00:00   nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off;
systemd+   27869   27741   0   07:12   ?     00:00:00   nginx: worker process
systemd+   27870   27741   0   07:12   ?     00:00:00   nginx: worker process