Creating a MySQL Database on Amazon RDS
Let's make a MySQL database on Amazon RDS in simple steps:
- Open AWS Console: Go to AWS Management Console, select "Database," and click on RDS.
- Choose Region: In the top right, pick the region where you want your database. Regions are like different server locations.
- Create Database: Click on "Create database."
- Select MySQL: Choose the MySQL option.
- Set Basic Info:
- Instance Name: Give a unique name, like "rds-mysql-10minTutorial."
- Username: Create a username (let's use "masterUsername").
- Password: Make a password.
- Choose Instance Type:
- Pick "db.t2.micro" for Free Tier.
- Use General Purpose (SSD) for storage with 20 GB.
- Connectivity:
- Don't connect to an EC2 resource.
- Use Default VPC.
- Set the default subnet group.
- Allow public accessibility (connect from your device).
- Choose No preference for Availability Zone.
- Leave RDS Proxy unchecked.
- Keep the default port (3306).
- Authentication: Choose password authentication.
- Monitoring: Skip enhanced monitoring to stay in the Free Tier.
- Additional Configurations:
- Database Name: Enter a name (1 to 64 characters).
- Keep default values for DB parameter group and option group.
- Encryption is not available in Free Tier.
- Backup and Maintenance:
- Retain backup for 1 day.
- Use the default backup window and maintenance settings.
- Turn off deletion protection.
- Create Database: Click the button.
- Wait: Your database is being created. It might take a few minutes.
- Check Status: When it says "available," your database is ready.
That's it! You've set up a MySQL database on Amazon RDS. Move on to the next step when it's ready.