Create Read Replica in RDS

  1. Login to AWS Console: Go to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at
  2. Navigate to Databases: In the side menu, click on "Databases."
  3. Choose Your Source Database: Pick the DB instance you want to use as the source for your read replica.
  4. Initiate Replica Creation:
    • Click on "Actions" and select "Create read replica."
    • Give your read replica a name in the DB instance identifier field.
  5. Configure Your Replica:
    • Set your instance configuration. It's a good idea to use the same or a larger DB instance class and storage type as the source DB instance for the read replica.
    • Specify the destination region for the read replica in the AWS Region field.
    • Determine the allocated storage size and whether you want to use storage autoscaling.
  6. Storage Upgrade (Optional):
    • If your source DB instance isn't on the latest storage configuration, you can enable the "Upgrade storage file system configuration" option. This upgrades the storage file system of the read replica to the preferred configuration.
  7. Availability Options:
    • Choose whether to create a standby of your replica in another Availability Zone for failover support.
    • Note: Creating your read replica as a Multi-AZ DB instance is independent of whether the source database is a Multi-AZ DB instance.
  8. Other DB Instance Settings:
    • Specify any other settings for your DB instance. You can find details about each available setting in the "Settings for DB instances" section.
  9. Enable Encryption (Optional):
    • If you want an extra layer of security, you can enable encryption.
    • Choose the AWS KMS key identifier for encryption.
    • Note: The source DB instance must be encrypted. Learn more about encrypting the source DB instance in the "Encrypting Amazon RDS resources" guide.
  10. Finalize and Create:
    • Click on "Create read replica" to initiate the process.
  11. Check Your Replica:
    • After a little while, you can view your newly created read replica on the Databases page in the RDS console. Look for "Replica" in the Role column.